About Guiami

this website

Professional assistance

The people who work at Guiami are trained professionals who use a strict protocol to gain an insight into reports. They serve as the front-office, so to speak. They provide advice and support to victims, perpetrators, family, bystanders, and professionals in all cases of domestic violence or child abuse.

The provided advice, assistance, or support is determined by the nature of the report. This is sometimes delivered in cooperation with various aid organisations on the island. This means it is possible to offer tailor-made support.

A hotline official:
“Ta guia bo den e bon kaminda”

Chain of emergency aid

Guiami is an initiative of the public entity Society & Care (Samenleving & Zorg) and cooperates with:

  • Centre for Youth and Families
  • Care and Youth Caribbean Netherlands
  • Care and Safety House
  • Guardianship Council CN
  • Dutch Caribbean Police Force
  • Victim Support Agency
  • Public Prosecutions Office
  • Mental Health Caribbean
  • Integral District Approach
  • Social Support and Labour
  • Probation Office Foundation
  • Krusada Foundation

Guiami is a public initiative in collaboration with the Ministry of Public Health, Welfare and Sports.


CALL: 0802 – 0802

Or chat with one of our employees via WhatsApp.

× Report violence